Hi there, my name Ash.

I am an Aquarius Rising, Aries Sun and Leo Moon.

My chart ruler is Saturn and it is placed in my first house. The modern ruler Uranus, is in my 12th house. I have a close and intimate relationship to the non-linear, unconsciousness void of the 12th house. With Saturn, I have needed to create a rigorous and committed tending to the impact of the divine chaos that Saturn & Uranus bring to this area of my chart. I have found that in the practices you’ll find here with Wayfinder.

I was named Ashlee Stewack when I was adopted, and am more recently honoring and embracing my biological families last name, Luna.

I began exploring divination tools such as Astrology, Tarot and Dream Healing around the time I began my adoption reconciliation and healing journey over a decade ago in 2010. (Chiron in Cancer, hay!) This journey radicalized me and in 2016, led me into joining movement work in spaces that fight to protect and defend oppressed people and those who have been marginalized by capitalism, imperialism and patriarchy. This heavily informs the work I do and the position in which I approach this work.

Through meeting my biological family and connecting with ancestors, I have used and come to understand these tools personally as a practice to reflect and heal from generational traumas, patterns of abuse and oppressive systems by empowering individual agency & inter-connection with the “whole.” I started Wayfinder in the summer of 2018. I work with Wayfinder primarily as an Astrologer, tarot reader, dream healer and teacher.

I believe in our society's potential to change with design and the integration of healing modalities such as those that you’ll find with Wayfinder. Design can happen in many mediums, across a variety of experience. Art, communication, language, facilitation, and how we organize as a collective, contributes to this experience. My interest as a practitioner is in expanding our thinking and operating principles as collectives, to integrate more intuitive healing practices into our cultures and day to day lives. Astrology, Tarot, dreams and ritual can be major tools in this and can help create more balanced and actualized communities of care.

Through the healing and the reclamation of people power in the practice of self and communal healing, we can build strong communities that foster psycho-spiritual and mental-emotional renewal and resistance in our struggles for a more just world.

My astrological practice prioritizes the liberation of all collectives. I use techniques from both modern and ancient lineages of healing, both Eastern & Western, while applying my own learned approaches to dream healing and ritual. My hope for Wayfinder is for it to be an educational and community driven tool and resource for like-minded folks to unite, to learn and, grow and practice alongside one another.

Openings, offerings and scheduling can all be found at the “Book a Session” link.


Education and teachers who helped shape me:

  • My Astrological education has been autodidactic in both Astrology and Tarot since 2010. Some of my biggest influences are listed below.

  • My practice is heavily informed by study in living systems theory, anti-oppression and the reverence of all indigenous systems.

  • My formal and informal mentors and coaches in other disciplines include, Bill Hayashi in consciousness from Eastern traditions who taught me ritual, presence and mysticism.

  • My ancestors and biological family in animism, farming, activism, tending to the land and the Mexican folk healing tradition of curanderismo.

Informal but significant influence on my work:

Duane Hamacher: “The First Astronomers” & how indigenous elders read the stars

Demetra George: Asteroids, Myth and Traditional Hellenistic Astrology & History

Chris Brennan: Hellenistic Astrology: The Study of Fate and Fortune

Richard Tarnas: Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View

Alice Sparkly Kat: Postcolonial Astrology: Reading the Planets through Capital, Power, and Labor

Edward Tick: The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine

Frijof Capra: “The Systems View of Life” - A unifying vision